Her works, mainly in video and photography, offer a critical look against certain forms of power not exempt from caustic humour. In some of them the action passes into daily environments that disguise a harsh criticism towards social and political stereotypes and attitudes.

Cristina Lucas based her project on a quote from the critics cited in Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own.   The critics, Nick Greene, Dr Johnson, and Cecil Gray, concur: ‘Sir, a woman’s composing is like a dog’s walking on his hind legs.  It is not done well, but you are surprised to find it done at all.’ In You can walk, too!/Tú también puedes caminar, we find the artist’s response, not without a note of acid humour, to this critique, which unfortunately is still latent in certain sectors of society in many corners of the world.  Using video and photography, she sets before us images of dogs walking about on their hind legs in different domestic settings, where women are carrying out their everyday activities.  The witty air of these little dogs walking on two legs ironically masks a severe criticism of social and gender inequality, which is still relevant not only in the territory where we find ourselves, but in many others, where women do not have the right to express their ideas nor to exercise a freely chosen profession.